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Survival Rival

Survival Rival, derived from the Disaster Master game, is a Jeopardy-style game with questions on emergency preparedness. The game is set up as an elimination style competition, targeting the age group of 5th graders. In the end there will be one winner who will win a prize and prize money will also go to the winner’s classroom. The competition was held at Birchwood Mall.  


A BIG Congratulations and Thank You to all those who participated in the "Survival Rival" challenge.  A Special congratulations to those who made the semi-final round and the winner of this round.


To bring Survival Rival to your community please e-mail us at YRC@StClairCounty.Org



The St. Clair County Youth Readiness Council is pleased to present "Survival Rival"


Survival Rival is open to ANY 5th grade student.  Students will compete based on material that most 5th graders have already been exposed to in school through various programs.


Some of the categories include:

Bike Safety                  Disaster Kits            Floods            Drug Safety            Chemical Safety

Fire Safety                   Weather                  Home Safety  Internet Safety      and others.  


There intentionally is no study guide, however those who want to brush up can use Federal, State, or Local Safety Sights.


There are currently no dates scheduled.  Contact us at to schedule a date for your organization




The Youth Readiness Council hosts Senior Survival Rival.  The event highlights a longstanding partnership between the Council on Aging and the Youth Readiness Council.  Signups for the events are handled through each individual Council On Aging facility.  


Survival Rival has been on hold due to Corona Virus.  We will open it back up when it is safe to do so.






295 Airport Dr.

Kimball, MI 48074


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